TV Binging Thread 📺

Not excited at all. Feels like a shameless ratings grab. Did this story exist in the universe of GoT at least??

If so it’s at least got more soul to it than the endless Star Wars drivel being pumped out.

It most definitely does exist. This series is going to cover the Fire & Blood books that GRRM wrote.


This covers the era of the Targaryen dynasty commonly known as the Dance of the Dragons, which occurred about 300 years before the events of ASOIAF / GoT.

The Fire & Blood books are written more in an encyclopedic history style,which is pretty dry, but the story itself is NOT.

If you like the Targs, you will get to see them at near the height of their power.

And yes, there will be a LOT more dragons.

As far as source material, I couldn’t decide if I was more excited about this or possibly The Hedge Knight series, which is basically Forrest Gump in Westeros.

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That’s good to hear

The problem with prequels are you generally already know how the story is going to end before it even begins. This takes much of the mystery out of the story telling.

This is the kind of favorable review that has me getting excited about Sunday night.

It doesn’t have one mention of all the polarizing crap Amazon and Disney have been trying to stuff into their shows. It’s just about trying to make the story that GRRM wrote. It’ll sink or swim on that alone.

The Better Call Saul comparisons are especially comforting - how to make a good prequel.

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Fire Hbo GIF by Game of Thrones

Comic Con Lets Do This GIF by cchq

Cartoon Thumbs Up GIF by Disney Pixar

Solid, solid debut. An actual adult show. God does it make that Wheel of Time abortion look even more pathetic than it already seemed. What a shame.

In any case let’s celebrate good TV. So thankful this is good.

I wanna talk spoilers but I’ll wait

Good aftershow:

Also this may help for more casual fans:

The costumes were insane.

And the props:

Balerion the Black fucking Dread… Respect.

OMG the memes. I’m in heaven.

Any hot chicks getting nekkid??

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There was some nekkid, yes. And an orgy.

Somehow not as over the top as GoT though.

revenge of the nerds 80s GIF

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True story:

Emilia Clarke said she took her boobs out in Season 1 because she was afraid they’d recast if she refused but by Season 2 she felt “safe” enough to demand no more full on nude scenes. That’s why we didn’t get her in the 1 boob out dress style of Quarth…

She went nekkid after she burned down the Dothraki tent in maybe season 4 or so? I forget now.

““House of the Dragon” draws nearly 10 million viewers, becomes biggest HBO series premiere ever”

So no one else watched this?

Bummer. Would have been fun to have someone to talk to.

We are going to at some point. Still trying to wrap up the boys.

Just watched it and really enjoyed it. Captured the spirit of the original.