TV Binging Thread šŸ“ŗ

I was going to watch it also, but I like having a few episodes to watch in a row, watching 1 then turning it off isnā€™t as fun as watching 2 or 3.

I watched it Sunday night. Liked Matt Smith. Was like watching the original GOT series - all good so far. Iā€™ve quit watching HBO, just not into what they have that much anymore that I havenā€™t seen, so Iā€™ve canceled it. Shame too, because Iā€™ll be about midway through the season. Iā€™ll pick it back up later probably, but have too many streaming services to justify carrying it.

I watched it last night and enjoyed it. One of the best thing about GoT was the depth of the characters and HoD seems to be doing that as well.

To be honest I was going to skip this series but positive reviews got me to check it out. Iā€™m glad I did. So far so good.

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Finally watched House of the Dragon, well, I say watched, but any scene that happened at night was just as hard to see as anything in as the Battle of Winterfell. One sex scene was so dark I could have let my 5 year-old watch it if the sound was off.

Dudeā€¦ Seriously. Calibrate your TV. It wasnā€™t that dark.

I thought it was a little over the top with the red filter (marvel movies are crazy about a blue/orange filter), but I didnā€™t think it was all that dark.

Brightest setting, highest contrast, on 3 sets of TVs. I stand by my statement. They film it too dark. They do it on purpose.

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Interesting. I watched it twiceā€¦ Once on a Hisense U8H with 1500 NITs and once on my old Panasonic plasma and I didnā€™t feel the same way.

I get what youā€™re saying though. The long night episode from GoT season 8 was ridiculous, as are a lot of movies. I just didnā€™t think HotD was that bad. They usually do that to hide crappy practical effects / CGI.

Or Starbucks cups.

Iā€™m sursprised no one has listed Banshee on here. I just finished season 1. Honestly, Iā€™m not sure how much I like it. But the fact that it was filmed locally I thought I would give it a shot.

blew through that a couple of years ago. Not a bad series.

I liked it, there are some great fight scenes.

Yep. Loved it. I worked as an extra in about six episodes. I was in Episode 1 in the first scene sitting at a bar just before the lead character lays the barmaid in the back room. Iā€™ll post a picture of my screen time when I find it. Here I am mid screen. This was filmed in Monroe.


The wife and I started A League of Their Own last night. It is promising. I got the feel of the movie with a expanded universe. Of course, they added/highlighted more of the social issues but not in a way that will harm the series (I hope).

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CNBC: HBO renews ā€˜House of the Dragonā€™ after more than 20 million watch first episode.


2nd episodeā€¦

Slow. Missing some GoT charm. Itā€™s just deliberately paced political drama. Itā€™s not bad, but itā€™s less than GoT was. No mystery. Limited fantasy.

I find the human emotional struggles more relatable and intriguing than fighting off ice zombies.

I badly miss the Jon Snow storyline at and beyond the wall.

Was just doing a rewatch, and that was a highlight of the early seasons. The foreboding, the wildlings, Samwell Tarly, the White Walkers, the Nightā€™s Watch, Craster, Ygritte. Great stuff.

game of thrones you know nothing GIF

I wish there was some element of mystery to this story. There really isnā€™t. Itā€™s very cold and procedural.

Also, there is no one even remotely as interesting as Tyrion Lannister. His scenes with everyone, but especially Jeoffrey, are amazing.

tyrion slaps joffrey GIF by Game of Thrones

Variety: ā€˜House of the Dragonā€™ Episode 2 Viewership Inches Up 2% From Last Weekā€™s Premiere Episode.

Damnā€¦ Entertainment Weekly, which has been known to shill, hates it.

If even some of the typically paid shill sites are trashing this show, itā€™s garbage.