UNCC getting SH*T on, on Reddit...and for good reason

Thanks for this. I knew there was something with us and the Ivy League schools and the CEOs but couldnā€™t remember the specifics.

But you know, just dumb ole lil Uncc concrete commuter school. Lol. What a fucking joke.

I love how they always talk about a college town. It comes as a shock to some but not everyone wants that. If you grew up in a small country town ya might not want to go to school in one. No Charlotte is not a college town - itā€™s a large metro area with the benefits that brings and thatā€™s what some kids want. Some want mountains some want beaches some urban none of those are wrong.

I like Raleigh, so Iā€™m not about to shit on it, but the Charlotte real estate market is insane. We are adding more people per day than Raleigh and over the last few years, growing at a faster rateā€¦despite having twice the population.

Charlotte is a hub for financial services (among other things), and has quietly added thousands of finance jobs from major corporate expansions and relocations in the last 2-3 years. It is becoming a bustling hub for fintech as well and big data analysis, an area where UNC Charlotte is a leader.

Both cities have their strengths. Both cities are great for the state. Best of all, they excel in different fields, so it helps create a state with a diversified and strong economy.

Charlotte is a big city though. Raleigh is not, and I donā€™t say that as an insult to Raleigh.

Talking about Raleigh in an App thread. Cheat fan?

clt says bless his heart.

Charlotte is also a hub for material handling automation. 3 of the top 4 companies in the world have either their NA headquarters or a major office in Charlotte. Raleigh has a very good mix of pharmaceutical companies going for it. Boone has a bar, I think.

As for salary, it is tough to argue what people make as being a successful institution. It depends on the field of work you are in and how much risk you take. Risk takers make more.

People from App can be successful. A friend of mine from elementary and high school is an App grad, has a law firm, is a member of the NC National Guard, and is a current NC Senator. So there are some successful people out there from App.

And in closing you guys suck and I hope we embarrass you by kicking your ass this year. The odds are not in our favor though.

LOL App, will they crush us in football? Sure, but when it comes to academics, ROI and places to live give me Charlotte all day long. What a joke. If your barstool account is any measure of the intellect there then you lag slightly behind UNC Pembroke and the School for the Deaf

Anyone from any school could be successful. There are billionaires who didnā€™t graduate college. Fact is, on average and across the board, app grads arenā€™t even close to being as successful as charlotte grads. The arrogance they spew is unfounded and without merit. They can bluster all they want but it wonā€™t change those simple facts.

Imagine getting off work early on a Friday to go home and sit by yourself and talk trash on another teamā€™s forum. Could not be me.

Jesus, we really got goaded into a dickmeasuring contest by a single apptroll, complete with anecdotal evidence of what two or three friends say about their experiences at the other school.

Wolves and sheep, gentlemen. Wolves and sheep.

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That was me! Grew up in Flat Rock, NC. I even applied and got accepted to App State, then realized that is not where I wanted to go since it was so small and very similar to the mountain town I grew up in. So I decided to go to Charlotte instead and I loved every bit of it and met some of my best friends at Charlotte. I even still live in Charlotte, that is how much of an impact my school left on me. The current students have it made with the light rail running onto campus and can take them to the hottest places in the city.

And Iā€™m the exact opposite. I grew up in Charlotte and knew I wanted something different when it came time to apply for college. App and State are the only two schools in NC that have my major and once I visited Boone it was an easy decision, I didnā€™t apply anywhere else. Iā€™ve now lived in Boone for 8 years (graduated in 4, trolls) and canā€™t see myself moving back to Charlotte for a looong time. Great careers are hard to come by in Boone, those who have said as much are absolutely correct, and the fact that I was able to start mine here makes me feel incredibly lucky.

Charlotte has a lot to offer, objectively more than Boone, but for some it doesnā€™t have the right stuff to offer. The ability to leave work at the end of the day and fly fish, mountain bike or snowboard with little to no effort is a priceless commodity. Iā€™d much rather have that over the bars, restaurants and breweries of Plaza, NODA, and South End any day. (p.s. weā€™ve got award winning breweries, restaurants and bars of our own :wink:)

Edmonds continues his conquest of MS Paintā€¦

This attests to what NWA said when some want mountains, some want beaches and some want urban, none of them being wrong. I see a trend of kids who grew up in an urban city venture away from it, as well as the kids who grew up in smalls towns venture to the city.

I liked App and have nothing against the school at all or the town of Boone. I thought about going there for many years and was excited to attend but then I thought more about it and wanted something different in the end. Boone has its own great features and I always enjoy my visits up there when I want to go camping, snowboarding or take my Jeep up there to go off road. Charlotte showed me a lot of the diversity I was looking for and I had some of the best times of my life while attending college here and my friends say the same and are not from Charlotte (Hillsborough, Winston-Salem, Fayetteville, Asheville, etc.). College wherever anyone goes is how they make it. Iā€™ve heard many people who hated their college experience at many different colleges, including Charlotte and App. It seems we both had great experiences at our respected universities and can attest we can have good experiences anywhere we go.

Damnit Edmonds

@TheGreatOne, you seem like a rational App grad. I have never seen one in the wild. I can completely understand your logic and glad things seem to be working out well for you.

However, for most, there must be reasons that UNC Charlotte is experiencing off the charts growth and App is not. Charlotte is growing faster than the other 16 campuses of the UNC System combined. There are certainly reasons that Charlotte grads make significantly more money than App grads. Finally, while App football is something to be proud of, can it really be everything? I donā€™t think so. Looking forward to our upcoming game. You Appys might just do us a favor and put the last nail in our coachā€™s coffin.

clt has went 180 on edmonds. he is trolling.

I donā€™t think he is, however, if he is itā€™s killing his resume right now. Itā€™s beyond brutal.

Iā€™ve been told this is being addressed.

Good, it needs to be. Itā€™s a total joke. Although I will say I threw his graphics in the main barstool group me and myself and others had some fun at his expense. So kinda want it to end, but it also does well for us interactions when we tweet about it so Iā€™m torn.