Fully expect the UNC to stay in an official capacity. I expect all marketing to be simply Charlotte. I expect to see the crown going away as the school goes all in on athletic branding and the All in C. Moving to charlotte.edu is a HUGE step.
I take this as step 1 in a long process of totally dropping the UNC. Once most refer to us as Charlotte - not UNC Charlotte or UNCC, the resistance will be far less.
From what I read, they have walked those plans back. We did drop the at and will refer to ourselves and University of North Carolina Charlotte, with more emphasis on the Charlotte.
The university will still be officially named The University of North Carolina at Charlotte or UNC Charlotte.
During this process, respondents were also asked about their thoughts on informal references (i.e., one to be used in conversation) for the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
It appears to me that they are slow walking it in. I believe they will get everyone familiar with Charlotte as the brand and eventually drop the UNC. Just a hunch, though.