Will Healy New Coach

Notworried about this. Lack of experience justify’s this. We really don’t know what we have yet.

Also, as much as I dislike him, Houston is ranked much lower than a lot of guys who have proven to be not great.

Yeah can’t take much from it yet. Didn’t Sporting News have a list that ranked our stadium #3 in the country earlier this year? I know that’s a bit random but can’t remember if there was a thread on it


Healy mentioned by Dennis Dodd in #5 of this piece:

Great to see Will bringing some national attention to the program. if we make a bowl game this year, we have to lock him down long-term right?

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If we’re successful, locking him up long term won’t be an option. Best case we have a big old buyout and get a lot of money on his way out.

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And a H&H.

How funny that we do not fear coaching changes anymore.

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Apparently coach Healy arranged an announcement on the video board at the Panther’s exhibition tonight about one of our walk ons in attendance getting a scholarship.

Awesome move, coach.

Thanks to LoyalNiner for linking in shout box, too


Link for those who haven’t seen it:


Very cool and savvy, shared an awesome fun moment with 70k local football fans.


Ragean got the jumbotron announcement.


Was cool to see. Very creative and an A+ in marketing


clt says the panthers fans were very supportive.

Sadly, the announcer said UNC Charlotte football.

Interviews with the two scholarship recipients.

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WCCB Got Game interview from last night.


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B+ Will Healy, Charlotte (2-4)

Healy’s record doesn’t pop but the peripheral numbers are terrific: Charlotte is averaging almost two additional yards per play compared to a year ago, for example. The wins will come as the 49ers move into conference play.